In the home stretch for 2015, Courts across the nation issued environmental decisions of note: U.S. Supreme Court Oral argument in the case of FERC v. Electric Power Supply Association was held in October of 2015, and a decision may be announced shortly. The controversy involves complex provisions in the Federal…
Articles Posted in Environmental
PA Supreme Court: PEHB Does Not Have Exclusive Jurisdiction for Penalty Review
On December 29, 2105, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued a ruling that may be of considerable interest to oil and gas operators in Pennsylvania. In EQT Production Company v. Department of Environmental Protection of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Court considered the “whether a company threatened by an administrative agency with…
Crossed Circuits: Running Counter to Fifth and Tenth Circuit Rulings, Eighth Circuit Finds ICCTA Preempts Common Law Negligence Claims
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit has distinguished decisions from the Fifth and Tenth Circuit that appear, at first blush, to be in conflict with its ruling that the Interstate Commerce Commission Termination Act, 49 U.S.C. § 10501(b) (ICCTA), preempts state law negligence claims. In the case of…
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 Repeals 40-Year Ban on Export of Crude Oil
In U.S. Repeals Longstanding Ban on Export of Crude Oil, my Pillsbury colleagues Dan LeFort, Paul Marston, Tom Campbell and I discuss the President’s recent signing of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016, an Act that funds the Federal government through fiscal year 2016, and its repeal of the 40-year ban on the…
Environmental and Regulatory Provisions in the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2016
The 2016 Consolidated Appropriations Act (H.R. 2822) is divided into several divisions, reflecting separate appropriations acts. A cursory reading of this massive legislation discloses a few environmental and regulatory provisions of interest: Almost all of these appropriations bills included language specifically forbidding the use of federal funds by the agencies…
DC Court Rejects Idea that EPA Can Dictate Venue By Inclusion of the Phrase “Nationwide Scope or Effect”
On Friday, the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia declined to entertain EPA’s argument that it could dictate venue for review of its decision by including within the decision that it would have “nationwide scope or effect.” Pursuant to Section 307(b)(1) of the CAA, venue over challenges to EPA actions lie exclusively…
California Supreme Court Reverses “Reverse CEQA”
In their alert “Reverse CEQA” Reversed, California Supreme Court Rejects CEQA Analysis of Impacts of the Environment on the Project, Pillsbury attorney David Farabee discusses the California Supreme Court’s recent rejection of a requirement of so-called “reverse CEQA” analysis, concluding that “CEQA does not generally require an agency to consider…
New EPA eDisclosure Portal for Self-Reporting Reverses FOIA Presumptions Against Nondisclosure
For several years, EPA has encouraged the regulated community to audit their facilities for compliance with environmental laws, and to self-disclose to EPA any violations noted in the audit to obtain reductions to or even eliminate altogether civil penalties if the report is made on a timely basis and demonstrates…
Nationwide Environmental Case Law Update – Summer, Fall 2015
For contractors who often subject to one or more of federal environmental laws or regulations, below is a brief report on some the significant environmental law and administrative cases decided since late June of 2015 by jurisdiction: District of Columbia Energy Future Coalition, et al. v. EPA, et al., 793 F.3d…
Rejection of FERC’s Geographic Proximity Test May Mean More Competition for Private Builders
Developers subject to the Federal Power Act (FPA) should carefully consider the implications of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit’s recent opinion on the scope of the “municipal preference” under Section 7(a) of the FPA. The Court, in Western Minnesota Municipal Power Agency, et al., v. FERC,…