Articles Posted in Insurance


411 on Fire Coverage for Hotel and Apartment High-Rises

In Insurance Coverage Issues for Hotel and Apartment High-Rises Damaged by Fire, Pillsbury attorneys Joseph Jean and Alexander Hardiman discuss how to maximize insurance recovery when a fire damages or destroys  mixed-used hotel, retail, and apartment high-rises, as happened on New Year’s Eve at the Address Downtown Hotel in Dubai and…


When is a Policy Renewal Not a Renewal?

Acquiring adequate insurance coverage against environmental risks, in particular the spill or release of pollutants or contaminants in day-to-day operations, is important to many construction businesses confronting the requirements of environmental regulation. For example, EPA’s hazardous waste rules require permittees (at both the state and federal level) to demonstrate financial…


TX Court Rules That Duty to Defend Suit Seeking Damages Extends to Superfund Cleanup Proceedings Conducted by EPA, Claims Covered by CGL Policies

Responding to an inquiry from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, the Texas Supreme Court ruled Friday, in a 5 to 4 decision, that the “coercive nature” of the administrative proceedings employed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act’s (CERCLA)…


Don’t Trust, Verify: What Every Business Needs to Know About Certificates of Insurance

Today, Pillsbury attorneys Joseph Jean and Alexander Hardiman published their client alert titled Don’t Trust, Verify: What Every Business Needs to Know About Certificates of Insurance. The Alert discusses the general rule in New York that a certificate of insurance (COI), by itself, does not provide insurance coverage. It explains that…


USGS’s Increase of Texas’s Earthquake Risk Level: Commercial Real Estate and Insurance Implications

Today, Pillsbury attorneys James Lloyd, Vince Morgan, Adam Weaver and Tamara Bruno published their client alert titled USGS’s Increase of Texas’s Earthquake Risk Level: Commercial Real Estate and Insurance Implications. The Alert discusses the increase in seismic activity in the Fort Worth Basin and the likelihood that this increase will…


Sweeping Ruling in Favor of “Litigation Insurance” Provided by the Duty to Defend

A unanimous panel of the Illinois Appellate Court recently held that three insurers have a duty to defend any case in which the bare underlying allegations – if proved – would render their insured liable, regardless of extrinsic facts. This sweeping ruling confirms that the duty to defend is a…


A Boost for Business: Time to Reaffirm or Secure Terrorism Insurance

Monday, we published our client alert A Boost for Business: Time to Reaffirm or Secure Terrorism Insurance. The Alert discusses H.R. 26, a bill signed into law on January 12, 2015 by President Obama enacting the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015 (TRIPRA of 2015). TRIPRA provides a…


10th Cir. Rejects Claim That Pollution Exclusion In Liability Policies Are Ambiguous and Inapplicable

On October 20, 2014, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit unanimously affirmed the lower court’s ruling that the commercial liability insurance policies purchased by Headwaters Resources, Inc. contained unambiguous “pollution exclusion” provisions which excluded Headwaters’ demand that its insurers reimburse its litigation defense costs. The case is…