
Articles Posted in Real Estate


Changes in Retail Landscape Create Opportunities for Real Estate Industry

Search “Death of Retail” on and, as of July 26, you will get approximately 855,000 hits, many of which stress the negative impact that online sales and Amazon, in particular, have had on traditional retailers. However, predicting the future of the retail industry cannot be reduced to an easy…


Data Center Trends in Construction and Real Estate

Data centers trigger visions of windowless, concrete boxes located at the periphery of suburban office parks. That perception may fade in the coming years. With new technologies, such as cloud computing, blockchain platforms, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, big data and mobile apps demanding instant access to data, the…


A Sudden Shift in the Transfer Tax World

The California Supreme Court’s recent Ardmore decision expanding the applicability of California’s Documentary Transfer Tax Act will no doubt be the source of future litigation. In their recent client alert, colleagues Craig A. Becker, Richard E. Nielsen, Breann E. Robowski and Dianne L. Sweeney examine the issue.


California Supreme Court Allows Documentary Transfer Tax For Proposition 13 “Change in Ownership”

In California Supreme Court Decision Changes the Transfer Tax World, Pillsbury attorneys Craig Becker, Richard Nielsen, Breann Robowski and Dianne Sweeney discuss the California Supreme Court’s decision in 926 North Armore Avenue, LLC v. County of Los Angeles: Court concludes counties and cities are permitted to impose a documentary transfer tax on entity transfers…


Foreign Acquisitions of U.S. Real Estate Trigger an Inquiry into the Viability of CFIUS Procedures

In their recent client alert “CFIUS and Real Estate,” colleagues Nancy A. Fischer, Jenny Y. Liu, Matthew R. Rabinowitz examine how an influx of foreign  investments in U.S. real estate has led three key U.S. Senators to request a review of how the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States…


Not for the Taking: In Murr v. Wisconsin, the Supreme Court Rules that Two Lots Be Considered as a Whole

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court held that there was no compensable taking of Petitioners’ property in Murr v. Wisconsin. Petitioners who own two adjacent lots along a waterfront in Wisconsin were not deprived of all economically beneficial use of their property. A formalistic approach to the issue was rejected. Instead…


Blockchains, Smart Contracts and Real Estate

The real estate industry is frequently identified as one of the most likely early adopters of blockchain technology and smart contracts. However, industry participants remain skeptical as to the timing and magnitude of the expected changes. That is understandable given the close association of blockchain technology with bitcoin controversies, other…


The Battle for LA: The Dueling Priorities of Density and Neighborhood Preservation

As Los Angeles continues to struggle with lagging development pace as compared to the national pace of housing creation, communities across the city grapple with the potential implications of permitting increased density. The dueling priorities of providing much-needed housing in one of the nation’s fastest-growing markets and maintaining neighborhood history…


San Francisco Approves Ordinance Expanding Density Bonuses for Affordable Projects

Almost 18 months after it was introduced, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors recently approved Ordinance 150969, which creates development bonuses for private development projects where at least 30% of the units are subject to affordability restrictions. Known as the HOME-SF Program, the legislation allows qualifying projects to exceed otherwise…


Keeping Your Place in Line: Title Insurance Protections for Construction Loan Disbursements

Most construction loans contemplate multiple advances or disbursements of funds at various stages of the construction project. The construction loan agreement will set forth the conditions that the borrower must satisfy to receive each advance of funds. Given that a construction loan concerns an active construction project, there is a risk…