
EPA Finds GHG from Aircraft Endanger Public Health

My colleague Matt Morrison today published a client alert titledairplane U.S. EPA Finds Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Aircraft Endanger Public Health—a First Step in Adoption of New ICAO Standards.  The Alert discusses the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) issuance of a finding that aircraft greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions endanger public health and welfare in the wake of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) release of a draft rule in February of this year proposing a new standard for reducing GHG emissions in new and in-production commercial aircraft. The EPA’s finding is a prerequisite for new U.S. regulations setting standards for GHG emissions, which will be adopted after ICAO’s standard is finalized in March 2017.

Photo:  Ikarasawa, JA67AN, Taken December 21, 2013 – Creative Commons