
Maryland moves to modernize its Public Private Partnership law.

Maryland’s Lt. Governor Anthony Brown led a joint executive and legislative commission to make recommendations for modernizing Maryland’s statutory framework for P3s. The Commission’s work led to legislation, designated as SB358/HB576, that passed the House of Delegates this week and is expected to pass the Senate in the coming days. The primary goal of the legislation is to address Maryland’s critical infrastructure needs through expertly structured public-private partnerships. The various Maryland departments that oversee capital projects found that increased use of P3s could contribute as much as $315 million to the State’s capital budget and create perhaps as much a 4,000 jobs.

Jeffrey Gans, a partner in Pillsbury’s Construction practice and among those leading Pillsbury’s P3 practice, testified in support of the bill before both Houses in the Maryland General Assembly. “The availability of capital is the most often recognized benefit of a public-private partnership. But as important, is the fact that once the legislation takes effect, Maryland will have at its disposal the ingenuity and entrepenurial spirit that is the life blood of the free market.” Mr. Gans’ testimony was in specific reference to the language in the legislation that permits unsolicited P3 proposals to be made to any State agency authorized to enter a P3. “The expertise of the best best and the brightest the market has to offer will be motivated to find innovative and profitable solutions to Maryland’s infrastructure needs,” Gans said.