
Gravel2Gavel Construction & Real Estate Law Blog


Five Facts About the Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014

Today, Pillsbury attorneys Jim Chudy and Brian Wainwright published their advisory titled Five Facts About the Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014. The Advisory provides an overview of the Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014 (Division A of H.R. 5771), signed into law by President Obama on December 19, 2014,…


Three Obstacles to EPA’s O3 Rule: Industry Opposition, Implementation, and Congressional Oversight

Yesterday, Pillsbury attorneys Matt Morrison and Bryan Stockton published their advisory Three Obstacles to EPA’s O3 Rule: Industry Opposition, Implementation, and Congressional Oversight. The Advisory discusses the EPA’s recent proposal to revise the national air quality standard for ozone, the key pollutant in smog and regional haze, and the complex…


NLRB Addresses Employees’ Rights to Use Employers’ Email System for Non-business Purposes

Recently, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), in a 3-2 decision, in Purple Communications, Inc. and Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO. Cases 21-CA-095151, 21-RC-091531, and 21-RC-091584, considered the right of employees under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act (Act) to effectively communicate with one another at work regarding…


A New U.S. Course for Cuba Relations: What Does It Mean for Business?

Recently, Pillsbury attorneys Chris Wall, Steve Becker, Nancy Fischer, Aaron Hutman and Stephanie Rohrer published their advisory titled A New U.S. Course for Cuba Relations: What Does It Mean for Business? The Advisory discusses President Obama’s unexpected announcement signaling a “new course” for Cuba after more than 50 years of…


California Department of Industrial Relations Posts 2014 Legislative Digest

UPDATE: At its February 20, 2015 Legislative Committee and Enforcement Committee meeting, the California Contractors State License Board is expected to provide an update and to consider several legislative proposals. The meeting that is open to the public is to commence at 9:30 a.m. PST at the CSLB Headquarters, John…


6th Circuit Rules that Federal Tort Claims Act’s “Discretionary Function” Exception Shields Army Corps of Engineers Against Flood-Related Damages in Nashville

In May 2012, a catastrophic flood inundated large sections of Nashville, resulting in many lawsuits being filed against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers with respect to the Corps’ operation of the Old Hickory Dam. The dam is located on the Cumberland River, and water that flows through this river…


Sierra Club’s CAA Citizen Suit Against ExxonMobil Rejected by Houston District Court

Wednesday, U.S. District Judge David Hittner issued a long (82 pages) and complex ruling rejecting all of the claims for relief requested by Environment Texas Citizen Lobby, Inc. and Sierra Club from ExxonMobil Corporation, ExxonMobil Chemical Company and ExxonMobil Refining and Supply Company. In reaching its decision, the Court conducted…


2 Reasons to Cheer: California CSLB Announces Cindi A. Christenson Will Serve As New Registrar of Contractors And She Is the 1st Female To Serve In This Post

Yesterday, the California Contractors State License Board Chairman David Dias announced the selection of Chief Deputy Registrar Cindi A. Christenson to serve as the board’s new Registrar of Contractors, effective January 1, 2015. Her qualifications include having served as the CSLB’s second in command since 2009. Dias also noted that…


Demolition/Construction Full Steam Ahead on Sacramento Entertainment and Sports Center

The Sacramento Business Journal in Arena builders hitting some — but not all — targets for local and small-business contracts reports on the progress of the Sacramento Entertainment and Sports Center (ESC), including confirming that the “oversight committee says the Sacramento Kings are exceeding commitments to hire local companies to…