
Gravel2Gavel Construction & Real Estate Law Blog


Connection Corner: Niklas Bandak of Bandak Project Management

The Real Estate and Construction industry may be huge, but ultimately, as with all industries, it comes down to the people who help make it all come together. From time to time, we like to profile some of those people. Nik Bandak is the president of Bandak Project Management, a…


Ambiguity and Virginia’s Anti-Indemnification Statute

In “Uniwest And Virginia’s Anti-Indemnification Statute: The Trap For The Unwary Should Be Closed” in the pages of Virginia Lawyer, colleague Jamie Bobotek recently examined why it is time for Virginia’s General Assembly to correct the uncertainty created by its anti-indemnification statute’s ambiguous language.


Environmental Justice Legislation Update

Environmental Justice, as an urgent priority of the Federal Government, dates back to 1994, and President Clinton’s issuance of Executive Order 12898. This order directed federal agencies to identify and address, as appropriate, the disproportionately high and adverse human health and environment effects of its many programs, policies and procedures…


A Deep Dive into the Corporate Transparency Act

In episode #29 of Industry Insights podcast, Andrew Weiner joins host Joel Simon for the second episode of our two-part examination of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). In this episode, Weiner turns his attention to the unanswered questions and ambiguity underlying phrases like “beneficial owner” and “substantial control.” Joel Simon: Let’s continue…


What Do You Need to Know? Non-U.S.-Based Investors Face the Disclosure Regime of the Corporate Transparency Act.

In the Spring 2021 issue of AFIRE Summit Journal, Pillsbury New York-based Real Estate partner Andrew Weiner discusses the Corporate Transparency Act and disclosure requirements for non-U.S. based investors. Summit Journal is the official publication of AFIRE, the national association for international real estate investors focused on commercial property in…


Hydrogen Powers Its Way from Proof of Concept to Reality in Real Estate

Hydrogen is the new buzzword in every industry, and real estate is no exception. Hydrogen does not emit carbon dioxide when burnt and could therefore help reduce the climate impact of buildings, which in aggregate represent one of the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases after industry and surface transport. To…


Evaluating Smart Home Technology: It’s About More Than the Bottom Line

Outfitting a commercial real estate space with smart technology can be a significant cost. While the long-term benefits and strategic improvements we’ve discussed previously can make that investment worthwhile, the evaluation period is critical to ensure an impactful ROI. Property developers, owners, and managers should undertake a rigorous evaluation process…


How Will the Office Market Recover?

Colleague Noa Clark recently joined other industry experts for a discussion of San Francisco office real estate at the panel, The Future of Office in San Francisco: How Will the Office Market Recover? Topics included how office spaces are evolving to accommodate for changing workforce needs, tenant perspective on short-term…


Pandemic Does Not Satisfy Lease’s Casualty Clause Court Finds

One year into the pandemic, courts have almost uniformly found that COVID-19 does not permit commercial tenants to avoid their rent payment obligations. In this case, the court continued that trend, ruling that the pandemic was not a “casualty” that permits a tenant to abate its rent payments or cancel…