
Gravel2Gavel Construction & Real Estate Law Blog


A Court-Side Seat: O Little Landfill of Bethlehem, Nothing Fishy at the Aquarium and the Downside of Living Downwind

Our latest look at the judiciary is focused mainly on the federal appeals system, with a side of regulatory development thrown in for good measure. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit—Baptiste et al. v. Bethlehem Landfill Company In this case, decided on July 13, 2020, the plaintiffs,…


Causation in the Context of Force Majeure and COVID-19

In most states, the force majeure event must have proximately caused the delay or deficiency in performance. In Tour de Force: When Is COVID-19 the Cause of Nonperformance?, colleagues  Andrew C. Smith, Anne C. Lefever, Brian L. Beckerman, Stephanie S. Gomez, Colin Davis, and Eugenie Dubin discus how causation considerations may impact force…


Virginia First to Adopt COVID-19 Workplace Safety Mandates

Virginia has adopted statewide emergency workplace safety standards, the first in the nation, to prevent and mitigate the spread of COVID-19.  In client alert “Virginia Adopts First COVID-19 Workplace Safety Mandates“, colleagues Mario F. Dottori, Julia E. Judish, Sarah Konnerth and Kristina Sgambati discuss the Coronavirus-related workplace safety mandates adopted by…


Force Majeure Triggered by COVID-19 Executive Order

Illinois Governor’s Executive Order prohibited sale of food or beverages for on-premises consumption held to partially excuse restaurant tenant’s rent payment obligations. In “Court Holds COVID-19 Executive Order Triggers Lease’s Force Majeure Clause, Excusing Some Rent Obligations,” colleagues David L. Miller, Patrick J. Potter, Jessica H. Lee, and Katherine Sauter examine the…


Let’s Not Shake On It: Are Contactless Technologies the Future?

On May 1, Texas began Phase I of its economic reopening, permitting certain businesses to begin operating again. Many states have since followed. As state governors look to continue to reopen with additional safety precautions in place, several (including California, Kansas, Texas, Ohio and Delaware) have implemented rules that require…


Simplifying the Main Street Lending Program

In this blog post, colleagues, Joel M. Simon, Matthew Oresman, Kenneth Suh, Russell DaSilva, and Gloria H. Kim provide a simplified decision tree to assist you in making a selection that is right for your business. The flowchart presented here highlights certain differences between the facilities (however, not all requirements for…


Remote Working and its Impact on End User Computing Solutions and Services

The pandemic is expected to lead to a significant and sustained increase in remote working. The shift to remote working will have major implications for end user computing solutions and services regardless of industry. In “Impact of Remote Working on End User Computing Solutions and Services,” colleagues Jeffrey D. Hutchings…


A Court-Side Seat: NWP 12 and the Dakota Access Pipeline Easement Get Forced Vacations, while a Potential Violation of the Eighth Amendment Isn’t Going Anywhere

Here’s a report on several new decisions made over the past few days. U.S. SUPREME COURT U.S. Army Corps of Engineers v. Northern Plains Resources Council On July 8, 2020, the Court has issued a partial stay of the decision of the U.S. District Court for Montana, which had held…


Supreme Court Docket Filled with Important International Arbitration Issues

June 2020 may forever be known as the month that international arbitration invaded the U.S. Supreme Court docket. In “Important International Arbitration Issues Fill Supreme Court Docket“, colleagues Richard Deutsch discuss how these rulings will likely impact critical strategic decisions early in international arbitrations.


PPP Extension Approved by Congress

Both the House and Senate passed legislation by unanimous consent to extend the deadline for applications for Paycheck Protection Program loans until August 8. In Congress Approves Extension of PPP, colleagues Matthew Oresman, Lori Panosyan, and Jenny Y. Liu discuss the extended deadline to apply for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans.