
Gravel2Gavel Construction & Real Estate Law Blog


What Constitutes an “Act of God,” and Other Developments in Force Majeure Law

Historically, “Act of God” was defined to encompass sickness, but the concept has evolved, and it is unclear whether, in the absence of an express reference to epidemics in a force majeure clause, courts will find COVID-19 to be an Act of God. In “Tour de Force: What Constitutes an…


President’s Executive Order to Expedite Environmental Reviews of Infrastructure Challenges the Interpretation of Emergency Authorities

A recent Executive Order by President Trump directs agencies to expedite reviews of infrastructure projects based on the emergency provisions of several key federal environmental laws. In “President’s Executive Order to Expedite Environmental Reviews of Infrastructure Pushes the Envelope on the Interpretation of Emergency Authorities,” colleagues Sheila McCafferty Harvey, Reza Zarghamee, Mona…


2020 Oil Regulation in the United States

Co-head of Pillsbury’s Projects team, partner Robert A. James, authored the article “Oil Regulation 2020: United States,” in which he describes the key commercial aspects of the U.S. oil sector; national energy policies; major laws concerning production activities, reservoir ownership and mineral rights; environmental, health and safety regulations; and other…


A Court-Side Seat: Airing It Out in Weymouth, No Reasonable Exception for Mercury and “40 Pages of Very Complex Information”

Last week (June 1-7, 2020), the federal appellate courts released several important rulings. Town of Weymouth, et al. v. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection On June 3, 2020, the U.S. Court of Appeals decided the case involving the Atlantic Bridge LNG pipeline project which received FERC ‘s approval in July…


DC Prepares for Phased Reopening

As we approach the next phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, many states and cities around the country have proposed safety measures for construction projects during the pandemic. These guidelines range from a single page of suggestions to multipage requirements handed down by state public health officers. In “DC Real Estate…


A Court-Side Seat: The Fifth Circuit Tackles Groundwater, Title V of the CAA and the Bone Cave Harvestman

The Fifth Circuit released three new decisions last Friday. On May 29, 2020. The US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit released three opinions in environmental cases: Stratta, et al. v. Roe, Director of the Brazos Valley Groundwater District; Environmental Integrity Project, et al. v. EPA; and American Stewards…


Reshaping Office Life: Updated CDC Guidelines

From mask-wearing to physical separation to staggered schedules and crowding-related transit incentives, implementing the new CDC guidelines may reshape office life. In “Updated CDC Guidelines Impact Business Districts, Office Buildings and Their Tenants, and Users,” colleagues Caroline A. Harcourt, Shani Rivaux and Amanda G. Halter outline how these guidelines contemplate a…


A Court-Side Seat: Environmental Developments on the Ninth Circuit

On May 26, 2020, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit decided three significant environmental law cases. Two of these cases involved whether global warming tort cases could be brought in California state courts on, for example, a public nuisance claim, and whether the defendant energy companies had…


Pillsbury Insights – Navigating the Real Estate Market During COVID-19

Until COVID-19 officially took hold in the U.S. in March of 2020, the U.S. real estate market was active, even robust. Starting in March, however, the possible scope of the pandemic and the sudden imposition of stay-at-home orders resulted in deal volume falling precipitously—with sales, leasing and lending transactions being…


IRS Extends Continuity Safe Harbor for Renewable Energy Projects

The IRS issues anticipated guidance providing relief to developers facing delays related to COVID-19. In the recent alert, “IRS Extends Continuity Safe Harbor for Renewable Energy Projects,” colleague Jorge Medina, discusses how the guidance also provides some clarity on the impact of supply chain disruptions on equipment orders placed later in…