
Show Me The Money: Energy Saver Tax Credits, Rebates & Savings

Did you know that the U.S. Department of Energy’s website hosts a database for tax credits, rebates, savings and, in some cases, loan programs available across the nation to a variety of persons and entities for numerous categories of energy saving improvements? It also identifies loan programs for certain types of energy saving improvements. Searches can be performed using filters, including categories for the state, eligibility, energy saving improvement (“savings for”) and sponsor of the energy saver program. Once a tax credit, rebate, savings or loan program is identified, the database provides a brief summary of the program, and a link to the program sponsor’s official website.

The categories of those eligible to enjoy energy saver credits, rebates, savings and, in some cases, loans include, just to name a few, commercial, industrial, institutional, installer/contractor, residential, retail supplier, schools, etc. The credits, rebates, savings and, in some cases, loans are available for a wide variety of types of energy saver improvements, including but not limited to weatherization, design and remodeling, windows, doors, and skylights, cooling, heating and cooling, appliances and electronics, lighting, water heating, water, solar, etc.

Additional Sources: U.S. Department of Energy
Photo: March 9, 2009, Sushiina – Flickr Creative Commons