
Beginning January 1, 2014, California has replaced the Enterprise Zone Hiring Credit with the New Employment Credit and the California Competes Credit, each of which may be used to offset the Personal Income Tax and Corporation Tax. For more information, today, Pillsbury attorneys, Jeffrey M. Vesely, Paul Casas and Annie H. Huang published their advisory titled Deadline Approaching for California’s New Employment Credit, which discusses the New Employment Credit.

Additional Sources: Pillsbury Advisory, GO-Biz Finalizes Proposed California Competes Tax Credit Regulations (Feb. 11, 2014); Pillsbury Advisory, GO-Biz Releases California Competes Tax Credit Draft Proposed Regulations (Dec. 4, 2013)


For taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2014 and before January 1, 2025, the California Competes Tax Credit will be allowed against the net tax in the amount allocated by the California Competes Tax Credit Committee. A taxpayer must enter into a written agreement with the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development’s (GO-Biz) which sets forth the amount of credit to be allocated to the taxpayer. Taxpayers may negotiate the amount of credit, which is based a variety of criteria aimed towards expanding and retaining businesses in California.

On February 11, 2014, Pillsbury attorneys Jeffrey M. Vesely, Paul Casas and Annie H. Huang published their advisory titled GO-Biz Finalizes Proposed California Competes Tax Credit Regulations. The advisory discusses GO-Biz’s release of its final proposed regulations on the California Competes Tax Credit.

Additional Resources: Pillsbury Advisory, GO-Biz Releases California Competes Tax Credit Draft Proposed Regulations (Dec. 4, 2013); Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development; State of California Franchise Tax Board; California Competes Tax Credit FAQ


UPDATE: CSLB, New C-22 Asbestos Classification Update; CSLB, Proposed New C-22 Asbestos Classification in the Works (Apr. 2, 2014)

The California Contractors State License Board (CSLB) recently posted notice of a proposal to add to its regulations located at Title 16, Division 8, Article 3 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) sections governing an asbestos abatement contractor classification. Any person interested may present statements or arguments orally or in writing at the hearing to be held at the CSLB’s offices located at 9821 Business Park Drive, Sacramento, California 95827, at 11:00 a.m. on March 25, 2014. Written comments — including those submitted by mail, facsimile or email — must be received by the CSLB not later than 5:00 p.m. on March 24, 2014 or at the hearing.

As set forth in the notice, the proposal is to adopt regulations to establish a specialty classification for an asbestos abatement contractor, including the related scope of work. The proposed specific provisions of § 832.22 are:

 Subsection (a) establishes the scope of work for the C-22 – asbestos abatement specialty classification that shall be done in accordance with Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) requirements.
 Subsection (b) requires DOSH registration (or an active application for registration in process) for asbestos classification holders.
 Subsection (c) requires proof of DOSH registration within 90 days after the asbestos abatement contractor license is issued, if applicable.
 Subsection (d) establishes experience requirements for applicants for the asbestos abatement contractor classification.
 Subsection (e) requires proof of current DOSH registration as a condition precedent to the renewal of an asbestos abatement contractor license.
 Subsection (f) limits the scope of work of the C-22 – asbestos abatement classification to exclude other construction-related duties or hazardous substance removal or remediation unless the asbestos abatement contractor is otherwise duly licensed to do so.

The proposed specific provisions of § 833 are:

 Subsection (a) clarifies the stand-alone nature of the C-22 – asbestos abatement contractor classification.
 Subsection (b) clarifies that in order for a Class B – general building contractor to contract for any project that includes asbestos abatement work, he/she must hold the C-22 – asbestos abatement classification or the § 7058.5 asbestos certification and DOSH registration or subcontract with an appropriately licensed contractor.
 Subsection (c) clarifies the overlay nature of the § 7058.5 asbestos certification, in that it operates in conjunction with other classification(s) held by the licensed contractor.
 Subsection (d) allows for the waiver of the written trade examination for the C-22 – asbestos abatement contractor classification under certain

The proposed text of the regulations is:

“§ 832.22. Class C-22 – Asbestos Abatement Contractor.

(a) An asbestos abatement contractor performs abatement, including containment, encapsulation, or removal, and disposal of asbestos containing construction materials, as defined in Section 6501.8 of the Labor Code, in and on buildings and structures. All work performed and all documentation prepared by an asbestos abatement contractor shall be done in accordance with regulations and requirements of the Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) of the Department of Industrial Relations.

(b) The Board shall not issue an asbestos abatement contractor license unless the applicant or contractor is duly registered with DOSH pursuant to Section 6501.5 of the Labor Code or has an active application for registration in process with DOSH.

(c) Within 90 days after the asbestos abatement contractor license is issued, the contractor shall submit to the Board proof that he or she is duly registered with DOSH pursuant to Section 6501.5 of the Labor Code.

No asbestos abatement work shall be performed nor documentation prepared until the contractor has submitted proof of his or her DOSH registration to the Board. Failure of a licensee to provide proof of current registration with DOSH within 90 days after issuance shall result in the automatic suspension of the license or removal of the C-22 – asbestos abatement contractor classification at the end of the 90 days.

(d) Every applicant for the C-22 – asbestos abatement contractor classification must have had, within the last 10 years immediately preceding the filing of the application, not less than four years of experience as a journeyman, foreman, or supervising employee working for a licensed contractor who holds the C-22 – asbestos abatement contractor classification or the asbestos certification, as defined in Section 7058.5 of the Code, and DOSH registration.

(e) The Board shall require as a condition precedent to the renewal of an asbestos abatement contractor license that the licensee have on file proof of current registration with DOSH pursuant to Section 6501.5 of the Labor Code.

(f) This classification does not include any addition to or alteration, repair, or rehabilitation of the permanently retained portions of such buildings and structures. Hazardous substance removal and remediation, as defined in Section 7058.7 of the Business and Professions Code, are specifically not included in this classification.”

Ҥ 833. Asbestos Classification and Certification Limitations and Examination Requirement.
(a) The C-22 – asbestos abatement contractor classification shall operate as a stand-alone specialty contractor classification for asbestos abatement work, notwithstanding any other classification held by the licensed contractor.
(b) No general building contractor, as defined in Section 7057 of the Code, shall contract for any project that includes asbestos abatement work unless the general building contractor holds the C-22 – asbestos abatement contractor classification or the asbestos certification, as defined in Section 7058.5 of the Code, and DOSH registration or unless the general building contractor subcontracts with an appropriately licensed contractor.
(c) The asbestos certification, as defined in Section 7058.5 of the Code, shall operate in conjunction with other classification(s) held by the licensed contractor. No licensed contractor who holds the asbestos certification shall contract for any project that includes asbestos abatement work in a trade for which the contractor is not licensed, unless the licensee also holds the C-22 – asbestos abatement contractor classification.
(d) The Registrar may waive the trade examination, pursuant to Section 7065.3, for the C-22 – asbestos abatement contractor classification for a licensed contractor who holds the asbestos certification, as defined in Section 7058.5 of the Code, upon application and conclusive showing by the licensee that he or she possesses not less than four years journey-level experience in the C-22 – asbestos abatement contractor classification within the last 10 years immediately preceding the filing of the application.
The licensee shall have obtained the asbestos certification after having passed the written asbestos certification examination and shall have held the asbestos certification in active and good standing throughout the four-year experience period at a minimum.”

The proposed regulatory action will allow the existing asbestos certification to continue in its current state as an overlay to classification(s) held by the certification holder and will establish a stand-alone asbestos abatement classification with appropriate experience and examination requirements. It will also allow contractors who focus their asbestos abatement work in a limited number of classifications to remain with the existing asbestos certification and will allow contractors who specialize in asbestos abatement work throughout a building to obtain the new asbestos abatement specialty classification. Ultimately, the new regulations will expand the avenues through which a licensed contractor can be authorized to perform asbestos abatement work.

Inquiries or comments concerning the proposed administrative action are to be addressed to:

Contractors State License Board 9821 Business Park Drive Sacramento, CA 95827 Attn: Betsy Figueira (916) 255-3369 (916) 255-6335 (FAX) The backup contact person is:
Karen Robinson (916) 255-4298 (916) 255-6335 (FAX)

Additional Sources: Contractors State License Board; California Contractors State License Board Confirms Asbestos Certification Does Not Authorize Universal Removal/Abatement


Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) recently posted its USSolar.jpg list of Major Solar Projects in the United States Operating, Under Construction, or Under Development (updated Feb. 3, 2014), which includes ground-mounted solar projects, 1 MW and above, compiled from company press releases, news releases and, in some cases, conversations with developers. Although SEIA includes the disclaimer that it is not a comprehensive list of all utility-scale projects under development, the list is quite extensive.

According to SEIA, there are over 550 major solar projects currently in SEIA’s database, totaling over 32 GW of capacity. Although reportedly there is over 5.7 GW of major solar projects currently in operation in the U.S., there is over 26 GW of photovoltaics and concentrated solar projects either under construction or under development. Under the Obama Administration, more construction of solar projects will be built – 16 projects have been permitted on federal lands, providing the potential for 6,058 MW of generating capacity. Not all that surprising, California appears to be leading the pack with 2,926 operating projects, 2,503 projects under construction, and 13,449 projects under development.

Additional Resources: Solar Energy Industries Association ; 10 MW Solar Installation To Be Built At Freshkills Park In Staten Island; Energy Secretary Moniz Announces $60 Million in Support of Innovative Solar Energy Research and Development; BLM Approves 19th Solar Energy Zone in California’s Imperial Valley; Ygrene and Johnson Controls Celebrate Nation’s Largest PACE Energy Upgrade Project; Innovative Solar Solution for Deteriorated Exterior Marble Façade

Photo: Living Off Grid, Taken Ap. 6, 2008 – Creative Commons


On February 6, 2014, Pillsbury attorneys Riaz A. Karamali and Didi S. Chow posted their advisory titled California’s New LLC Law: Next Steps for California LLCs. The advisory discusses the California Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act (New Act), which supersedes the California’s Beverly-Killea Limited Liability Company Act (Old Act), and a number of substantive changes under the New Act that may adversely affect existing California limited liability companies (LLC) unless they amend their operating agreements.

Additional Sources: Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, LLCs Can Finally Become Licensed California Contractors (Oct. 10, 2011)


On January 27, 2014, The Solar Foundation, a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission “is to increase understanding of solar energy through strategic research that educates the public and transforms markets,” released its fourth annual National Solar Jobs Census 2013. Their Census, which reports on the “current employment and projected growth in the United States solar industry,” confirms that 142,698 Americans were employed by the U.S. solar industry as of November 2013.

In its Executive Summary, the Census reports that “research shows that solar industry employment has grown by an astonishing 53% – or nearly 50,000 new solar jobs – since [it] first started tracking them in 2010.” A “solar worker” is defined as “an employee who spends at least 50% of work time supporting solar-related activities.” The Census, Table 1 reflects the following data:


    • Installation Sector:
      2010-43,934 jobs 2011-48,656 jobs
      2012-57,177 jobs 2013-69,658 jobs


    • Manufacturing Sector:
      2010-24,916 jobs 2011-37,941 jobs 2012-29,742 jobs 2013-29,851 jobs


    • Sales and Distribution Sector:
      2010-11,744 jobs 2011-13,000 jobs 2012-16,005 jobs 2013-19,771 jobs


    • Project Development Sector:
      2010-N/A 2011-N/A 2012-7,988 jobs 2013-12,169 jobs


  • Other Sectors (solar workers at non-profits, government and academia):
    2010-12,908 jobs 2011-5,548 jobs 2012-8,105 jobs 2013-11,248 jobs

The leading growth sector is “the installation sector, in which solar employment has grown by nearly 60% over the four-year period covered by the Census series, representing more than 25,000 jobs.” It also reports that “Solar employment is expected to grow by 15.6% over the next year, representing the addition of approximately 22,240 new solar workers. Forty-five percent of all solar establishments expect to have added solar employees by November 2014.”

The Solar Foundation also reported that its findings from its National Solar Jobs Census 2013 were used in by the White House in their “enhanced,” online State of the Union stream.

Additional Resources: U.S. Department of Energy; The White House; Solar Energies Industries Association (SEIA); San Francisco Chronicle, Solar industry job growth jumped 20% in 2013 (Jan. 27, 2014); Los Angeles Times, Solar jobs climb almost 20% in 2013 (Jan. 27, 2014); U-T San Diego, Solar industry employment up 20% in 2013 (Jan. 27, 2014)

Photos: U.S. Army Environmental Command, Taken Aug. 25, 2009 – Creative Commons; University of Salford Press Office, Taken Apr. 16, 2013 – Creative Commons; Bradley Gordon, Taken Jun. 29, 2009; Tafe Sa Tonsley, Taken May, 19, 2010 – Creative Commons; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Taken May 4, 2011 – Creative Commons


Evidently, there is an app for everything. Construction Simulator 2014 may just have the answers you need? Gigaom’s Games for the Weekend explains that Construction Simulator 2014 “is a simulation game where you inherit your family’s construction company. Unfortunately do not know much about the family business and need to get up to speed quickly in order to make enough money to expand.” constructiontrucks.jpg

According to Gigaom, the player starts out owning a deposit tipper for removing waste materials from construction sites, a small excavator for filling the tipper with waste material, a small flatbed truck for hauling and a forklift for loading; apparently the app has 14 different vehicles in all. Outside of town there is a factory, gravel pit and sawmill and, in town, there is a builder’s merchant where you pick up the material necessary for various types of construction, a harbor by the sea and your business. As the player takes on jobs, the player earns money that can be spent on additional equipment. The larger the equipment, the more money the player earns. If the play is willing, the player can provide the company with a cash infusion.

No, I haven’t played Construction Simulator 2014, but for $2.99, as recommended by Gigaom, I just might put on my hard hat, roll up my sleeves, and get to work this weekend because it sounds like loads of fun!

Additional Resource: Gigaom; Pillsbury’s Social Media & Games Law Blog

Photo: OiMax, Taken Aug. 17, 2006 – Creative Commons


On January 29, 2014, Pillsbury attorney Osama E. Hamdy published their alert titled DC Circuit Affirms Crucial FAA No Hazard Determination for Cape Wind Project discussing the DC Circuit’s recent decision upholding the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) 2012 determination of no hazard, clearing the final FAA hurdle to construction of the 130-wind turbine Cape Wind project in Nantucket Sound.


On January 29, 2014, The Observer, a student-run, daily print and online newspaper serving Notre Dame and St. Mary’s, reported that Notre Dame “is hoping to begin massive construction of Notre Dame Stadium after the conclusion of the 2014 football season,” after interviewing University President Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C. It confirmed that the “Notre Dame Board of Trustees has endorsed a plan to build three buildings totaling 750,000 square feet that will surround the Stadium.” The “Campus Crossroads Project” is expected to cost $400 millions, and to take 33 months to construct from start to finish. President Jenkins confirmed that, ideally, the University would make the decision to go ahead with the project in August and start building after Notre Dame’s home finale against Louisville in November.

President Jenkins, however, reportedly confirmed that Notre Dame still needs to raise funds for the project. Evidently, the University’s policy is to have 100% of the funding promised and 50% in hand before construction begins. Notre Dame is looking for benefactors who will support the Campus Crossroads Project and expects the rest of the funding to come from various sources, including revenue from premium seating tickets — 3,000 to 4,000 additional club seats.

Paul Browne, a spokesperson for the University, reportedly confirmed that the University expects to employ all construction trades locally, but it could also contract with some Chicago-area companies to help with construction. President Jenkins reportedly confirmed that Notre Dame expects to look first towards South Bend for construction companies, providing job opportunities to the local community.

Erin Hoffmann Harding, Vice President of Student Affairs, reportedly confirmed that Notre Dame has worked with architectural firms like 360 Architects, Slam and Workshop Architects so far on the project.

Additional Resources: ESPN; ABC News; USA Today; Chicago Tribune; South Bend Tribune; bleacher report


UPDATE: SolarCoin reports First US SolarCoin grant given to SolarCity customer in Arizona (Mar. 11, 2014)

Renewable energy and crypto-currency are hardly two concepts one would expect to be mentioned in the same blog or article. We are all familiar with renewable energy – wind, solar, etc. cryptocurrency.jpgCrypto-currency, on the other hand, is still a mystery to many of us, or at least I thought it was. Crypto-currency is a digital medium of exchange — a digital or virtual currency — that uses cryptography for security. Most people have heard of Bitcoin, the first crypto-currency to begin trading. Now there are numerous crypto-currencies available, often referred to as altcoins or alternative coins. On January 27, 2014, it was announced that owners of solar power systems in Australia may be rewarded in SolarCoin for energy produced.

According to Energy Matters, solar power system owners may earn SolarCoin by producing electricity and submitting a proof of solar electricity generation in the form of a verifiable renewable energy certificate. For example, one Small-scale Technology Certificate (STC) represents 1 MW of electricity generation. One STC would entitle the holder to one SLR coin. However, “before Australian system owners get too excited the STC’s [sic] associated with the systems were likely cashed in for point of sale discounts on their system purchase as STC’s [sic] form the basis of solar subsidization in Australia,” Energy Matters warns. “For those who didn’t cash in their STC’s [sic] for whatever reason, SolarCoin could provide an unexpected windfall; although the process for certificate holders being issued with SLR [coins] is still being established.”

98.10 billion SolarCoins can be generated and the Open Currency Association has set a target value for each SolarCoin of $20-30. Like Bitcoin, people will also be able to mine for SolarCoin or purchase it from an exchange. It may also be used to make purchases of goods and services from participating merchants. Businesses should be able to accept SolarCoin by downloading a wallet and displaying the wallet or QR code.

Additional Sources: Energy Matters;; Pillsbury’s Social Media & Games Law Blog

Photo: BTC Keychain, Taken October 12, 2013 – Creative Commons